Legal Notice


Company, organization: Hotel La Fontaine

Registered Office : 3 Rue Eugène Freyssinet, 02430 Gauchy· France

Tél : 03 23 63 20 35

Email :

Capital: 8.000 EURO

TVA : FR50 49 04 88 111

SIRET : 490 488 111 000 33


Purpose of site: Promotion of the establishment

Web master, design, editing, artistic direction: : CODEX

Web hosting & Management of site: FERNWEH DMC

The site presents:

● Informative content
● A collection of personal data on line Ownership : The site and the information that it contains are protected by French intellectual property law and by international agreements. Except for use by immediate family members or private use, the site and any element of its content may not be reproduced, republished, retranscribed, modified or passed on without the prior authorization of the eligible party.

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